What is Energy Medicine? Definitions and Benefits

It is the belief of our Practitioners that Energetic Medicine is one tool of many that God provides us to clear and quiet the internal clutter and find our way to Him. Just as with any healing modality, not everyone who practices it may have these same views. However, it is the experience of our Practitioners that God will make His presence known to all who seek answers and clarity, and that He can use the methods found in Energetic Medicine to manifest health and wellness in their lives.

Our will for your life is in full alignment with the will of God: “And this is the confidence that we have toward Him, that if we ask anything according to His will He hears us.” -1 John 5:14

We stand in full agreement with God’s will for your life: “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health” – III John 1:2


Found Below:

The Secret to Transformation
What is Energetic Medicine? (The Mechanics)
Defining Energy Therapy

The Secret to Transformation

There is a secret, that is not really a secret at all:
There is nothing that you can do to be closer to God / Divine Consciousness.
It is living within you,
and Its power of transformation
is limitless…

…The simplicity of this is shrouded by our mind that tells us all things worth doing are hard to achieve. In reality, it is only this kind of thinking that keeps us from living fully connected to what is already there. Wake to this Presence and come to realize it has always been there; it is us who has kept It at arm’s distance. Then resist regret and instead fall instantly into Love.  To live in this Presence, fully allowing it to embrace us and flow through us, is to live in a Love that then begins to change us in every way possible. This state of receiving and bathing daily, moment to moment, in God’s/Divine Love is the key to our health and all forms of prosperity. Just as with Divine Love, health and prosperity are also already there, waiting for us to receive them…let the transformation begin and continue to manifest in you and in your life in every way.

How do you know that you are truly receiving the power and presence of the life-giving and transformative Love within you?

When it spills over from within you to all around you, without differentiation of where or whom it goes to, and suddenly forgiveness and love are given easily to those people and events your mind tried to tell you were too hard to forgive and love before. Be free of holding on to hurt, and know without any doubt that you are loved; once you have felt it you will choose to return there every moment that you begin to forget. Once you receive Love and forgiveness, then you are able to give it freely, and the secret is not a secret any longer, it is a way of life.

Why Practice Energy Healing Techniques?

Energy healing techniques are a method of keeping our energetic and spiritual body healthy, so that our physical body can also be healthy. Just like needing to exercise our physical body, we also need to exercise and maintain the health of our energetic body. When we do the gentle exercises, stretches, or meditations taught in the modality of energy medicine, our aim is to clear the clutter of toxic emotional turmoil, correct or improve the impeded flow of energy to and from our internal organs, and to silence distractions so we can listen and be present. In His Presence. To clear anything that shrouds our ability to see clearly; anything that reinforces the false perception of separation from God and the belief that all we own is our past hurt and the cares of the future. In a space of stillness that energy medicine techniques provide, habitual negative thought patterns and internally held misconceptions are changed, the energetic anatomy begins flowing properly, our physical body heals, and there is no barrier to seeing and operating in God’s Love.

Then we can move beyond the state of trying to achieve something. “Trying” means you are not. Stop trying, and be. You are Love, you are Health, you are prosperity. Open and receive it.
When you practice the techniques of energy medicine, you aim with your intention to reach a place of receiving that which is already there, and in the flow of movement and breath, you clear the emotions and thoughts that arise and must be processed and released as part of your healing. By unshrouding God’s Love and setting your intention to open to it, you allow it to permeate every part of you, achieving a state of true acceptance, relaxation, and transformation. AND…

You begin to change, for you are allowing the physical and emotional parts of you to merge fully with the Spiritual part that is in you and is already all of these things (Love, Health) by It’s very nature.

What is Energy Medicine? (The Mechanics)

Energetic exercises include gentle movements/exercises, breathing techniques, and visualization/meditative practices to improve symptoms of disease, reduce stress, restore physical and mental balance, and prevent illness. One form of energy medicine is called qigong.
The National Qigong Association (NQA) defines Qigong (pronounced “chee” “gung”) as:

     “…an ancient Chinese health care system that integrates physical postures, breathing techniques and focused intention.”

This powerful form of medicine helps people in all stages of their health. Furthermore, it works well as a stand-alone therapy yet is also considered a complementary medicine and can be used in combination with any other form of Eastern or Western (allopathic) medicine.

“Qigong creates an awareness of and influences dimensions of our being that are not part of traditional exercise programs. Most exercises do not involve the meridian system used in acupuncture nor do they emphasize the importance of adding mind intent and breathing techniques to physical movements. When these dimensions are added, the benefits of exercise increase exponentially” (http://nqa.org/about-nqa/what-is-qigong/).


Energy medicine can be done anywhere and regardless of one’s circumstances, ability, or age. Energy exercises will flush the lymphatic system, increase blood circulation, massage the internal organs, oxygenate the blood, flush toxins, relaxes while increasing energy levels/stamina, relieves pain and much more.

Beyond this, energy medicine is a tool to help us clear our internal emotional and mental clutter, become calm, and balance our physical body so that we can become open and receptive to the Inner Spirit that is our true Source of whole-body wellness and healing.

In other countries, energy medicine is recognized as a main form of medicine and used for the treatment of disease alongside its fellow branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as Allopathic medicine. 

In the United States, it must be stated that: no form of energy medicine is not allowed to claim to diagnose or treat disease…however, Medical Qigong, as a form of energy medicine for the treatment of disease, is being more widely accepted in this country and actively studied by Western science: one example is a case study in which it was asserted and confirmed that “…qigong may also be an effective therapy to treat various diseases.” See case study here.

Currently, in the United States, it can only be said that energy medicine will relieve or rid the body of symptoms of diseases such as:

Digestive Disorders
Insomnia/sleep disorders
Menstrual Disorders
Stress and other Emotional difficulties
Other Inflammatory conditions
Recovery from Injuries/Surgeries
and more…

The most common, immediate benefits after energy medicine are:

  • overall improved energy and consistency in energy levels
  • better sleep
  • relief of stress, pain and emotional turmoil
  • clearer thinking (relief from “mind fog”)
  • relaxation

How Can Intention and Connection Heal?

“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in Me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do” -John 14:12

Our energy medicine practitioners, from place of connection to God, use intention in many forms such as sound/words, movement, and mental focus/prayer to restore your body to its natural state of balance and health.

Our practitioners also teach you how to breathe, stretch, move gently, and focus your intention to help you come alongside the healing you’re seeking.

“…if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us” -John 4:12

Additionally, and most importantly, our energetic medicine practitioners understand that:

“…the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in Me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.” -John 15: 1-27

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